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Bibliography - APA reference page citation format
If there is no author listed, use this format:
Title. (date). Retrieved Date from name of website: url
If there is an Author listed, use this format:
Author last name, first initial. (date). Title. Retrieved Date
The Amish, the Mennonites, and the Plain People. (n.d.). Retrieved May 30, 2000 from Pennsylvania Dutch Country Welcome Center Web site: http://www.800padutch.com/amish.shtml
If there is an author put it out front and move the title to after the date. Example:
Lynch, T. (1996). DS9 trials and tribble-ations review. Retrieved
October 8, 1997, from Psi Phi: Bradley's Science Fiction Club
Web site: http://www.bradley.edu/campusorg/psiphi/DS9/ep/
Tips for correct formatting:
- If there is an author, use them. A group can be the author, just use the full name of the group. If neither of these is available, then basically the title is used in place of the author.
- Authors are always (Lastname)(comma)(space)(first initial)(period)(if middle initial is given then space initial period space). e.g. Smith, J. (2008). or Roberts, M. L. (2008).
- Two authors get an & between them. e.g. Sanchez, D. & King-Toler, E. (2008).
- More than two authors get a comma and space between them. e.g. Van Vugt, M., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2008).
- The title is almost always italicized
- n.d. is used when there is no date listed, common with websites.
- While all other citations end with a period, Do NOT put a period at the end of a citation that ends with a URL.